Boroka is the Artistic Director of Re:borN Dance Interactive, a contemporary dance company and artist collective that aims to challenge the conventional audience-performer relationship and transform it into an interactive experience. Her work continues to explore the interconnectedness of movement and emotions.
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Check out the company's website at www.reborndance.org
Upcoming Events

Next of Kin
Sept 20, 2019 - Sept 29, 2019
Through the medium of dance and the playwright's voice, Next of Kin, explores abuse, adoption, divorce, dysfunction, parental letting-go, love, same-sex relationships, and the miracle of motherhood. Next of Kin probes our understanding of family by storytelling through dance and the spoken word.
Boroka Nagy perform a solo from one of our favorite works, "Amongst the Fragments!"
Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:30PM
Sat Sep 21, 2019 7:30PM
Sun Sep 22, 2019 2:00PM
Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:30PM
Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:30PM
Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:00PM
Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:30PM
Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:00PM

Oct 12, 2019 - Oct 13, 2019 8:30pm
Produced by Re:borN Dance Interactive and Curious Minds Los Angeles, Boroka choreographed and dances in this world-premier, evening-length immersive show.
Saturday, October 12, 8:30pm
Sunday, October 13, 8:30pm
Fathom & Form
737 Kohler St, Los Angeles, CA 90021
Re:borN Dance Interactive and architecture studio Curious Minds Los Angeles present an interactive performance that uses choreography, architecture, and technology to explore the act of surveilling and being surveilled. The performance draws from the Panopticon, an 18th century prison structure designed by philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham, which allows inmates to be observed by a single watchman without the inmates knowing whether or not they are actually being watched, driving them to regulate their behavior as though they are constantly being observed. The psychological effects produced by the panopticon have foreshadowed contemporary social conditions, where the feeling of surveillance is omnipresent - from the myriad of surveillance cameras around us, to the fear of our own technology watching us, and even further to our own voluntary creation of constant visibility through virtual profiles.
OMNISCOPIC leverages the parallels of surveillance and performance, challenging the roles of audience and performer as physical and digital forms of surveillance evolve. A narrative of choreography and spatial installations conveys notions of control, isolation, empathy, and finally a sense of the inescapable power and ubiquity of surveillance.